Earliest heterosexual experience, where it oo our red among the men, was spread over a broad range from 5 to 38 years, with the average at 19.6 years. About 1/3 of the group having any such experience had it first betweon the ages of 21 and 30. This is a wider range and a somewhat higher average than was found for the women, over half of whom had their first heterosexual experience between the ages of 16 and 20. The average age for the women's first heterosexual experience was 18.7 years.

Looking at this data from another point of view, it appears that while the women's first homosexual experience occurred on the average slightly later than their first heterosexual experie noo, the reverse is true for the men. In fact, the men's earliest homosexual experience occurred about four years before the earliest he terosexual experie noe, on the average. For those men who had both types of experience, the homosexual experionce preceded the heterosexual experience much more of ten than the reverse. For those women who had both kinds of experie no e, on the contrary, the heterosexual came first in more cases than not. Part of the explanation may lie in the greater opportunity and tendency for young boys to take part in group activities, including sexual ones, compared to young girls. Another part of the explanation may lie in the fact that in heterosexual relations the man is expected to be the initiator; thus where the initiative lies with a homosexual there may be a delay, but where the initiative lies with a heterosexual (presumably the cases involving Lesbians) it may happen sooner.


In regard to longest homosexual relationships, the men reported lengths that averaged 5 years. This is below the women's average of 5.3 years, and since the male group is older this difference is even more significant than it appears. However, in both male and femalo groups more persons reported "longest relationships" of from 1 to 3 years than any other length. The percentage distributions are given in Table 10.


Note that as many as 15% of the men did not reply. persons with many short relations would presumably havo